Helpdesk & Support

On this page and sub pages, you will be able to find guidelines and information concerning the user accounts and whom to contact if you have questions related to the Supplier Portal and underlying applications.

For more information about Supplier Portal and how it is structured, please see: Supplier Portal.

For assistance please contact your Local Supplier Administrator. If you don’t know who your Local Administrator is – try asking our chatbot in bottom left corner

Supplier Portal Support Team

Scania Supplier Portal do have two separate support teams, which can support with questions related to user accounts and accesses on the portal. The main communication language should be English, but as seen below a few other options are available:

South American Suppliers, support also available in Portuguese:

The rest of the World, support also available in Swedish:

Any of these teams could also support with questions related to other issues related to Scania Supplier Portal, but for questions concerning specific topics, please see the page Other Contacts.

Issues related to user accounts and access

If you have any issues with your account/password or accesses, you should first contact your local company administrator, which should be able to help you with retrieving a new password or add an access.

If not know or him/her is not able to help, you should contact the Supplier Portal Support Teams and in order for them to process your request easier, please include:

  • Your UserID (typically 5 characters starting with S and then numbers)
  • 7-digit Scania Supplier Number for your company.
  • If known, your contact person within Scania.
New Suppliers or want to become a Scania Supplier

New suppliers, yet without access to the Scania Supplier Portal, but that have been rewarded business with Scania, need to get in contact with your responsible Scania Purchaser which will help your setup the first administrator account.

If you are not yet having any business with Scania, you are kindly asked to follow the process described on Become a Supplier

How to login to Scania Supplier Portal

Log in using your portal user ID and password, provided by your local administrator. The user ID is unique for your account and is created alongside your account.

Instructions Scania Supplier Portal

IGA ADMIN Guide_Full version 2.3 5 Dec, 2024
Application-explanation_SSP 25 Apr, 2023