On this page, all information related to Scania Packaging is stated.
For all deliveries to Scania STD4172 – Scania Logistics Manual is valid. The Scania Logistics Manual describes what Scania expects from suppliers with respect to logistics. Further information regarding the Scania Logistics Manual can be found on the Scania Logistics Manual page.
The demands for packaging are stated in STD4172-4 – Packaging, a part of the Scania Logistics Manual.
Scania furnishes its own returnable packaging materials to be able to efficiently handle the large quantity of goods that arrives at Scania.
Scania has a packaging framework to standardise the use of returnable packaging which is described in STD4172-4 – Packaging and the main document STD4172 – Scania Logistics Manual.
The use of Scania returnable packaging materials occurs throughout the entire supply chain, from the supplier all the way to the assembly line. It is therefore essential that all stakeholders involved shall follow the relevant system and methods.
Besides what is stated in the STD4172-series, all rules and instructions that are applicable for the packaging process are compiled under this packaging page and its subpages.