Long term Supplier’s declarations
According to EU 2015/2447
Dear user!
Welcome to Scania´s site for Country of Origin.
All suppliers within the European Union are required to state country of origin on the products they provide to Scania, as defined in Scania standard 3868.
The country of origin in this context has its legal framework in the free trade agreements that have been arranged between the European Union and other countries and territories (read more under Free trade agreements). Different goods have different rules for qualifying as originating (read more under Preferential rules of origin) and the HS nomenclature is used for the classification.
Scania manufacture trucks, buses, engines and gensets that are delivered to customers world-wide. High customs duty rates are common in many countries.
To enable Scania´s customers to benefit from preferential treatment, where applicable, Scania must provide origin documentation as set out in the free trade agreements entered into by the EU.
In order to do so in a fully compliant manner Scania is required to maintain supplier’s declarations for all purchased material for which preferential treatment is claimed. This is true for parts used in production as well as for spare parts shipped to FTA-markets.
All suppliers within the EU, delivering production or spare parts to any of Scania´s entities.
Scania use an electronic system – MIC OCS web – where the suppliers can declare the origin on their parts in an easy and secure manner. Scania is requesting that you provide the information in the form of a Long Term Supplier’s Declaration.
You are able to find the application on the following link: OCS Web (only available for logged in users)
Our trigger point for requesting the Long Term Supplier´s declarations is when we have an approved payment from accounts payable. All new parts will be grouped monthly and a notification will be sent to you for action. Once a year we will send out a renewal request for all the parts which has been delivered during the previous 12 months but for which the validity period of the document has expired.
You will have two weeks for completing the Long Term Supplier´s declarations, before reminders are sent. We recommend to do it directly!
The users can whenever it is needed log on and change country of origin.
We hope you will find our solution easy and user friendly!
Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: customs@scania.com
Best regards,
Scania Customs Department