Scania Global EDI – Page Updated 16th of September 2024

WebEDI at Scania – Seeburger Portal

WebEDI is a manual process and is only to be used as an exception for organizations supplying a small number of parts with low volume. Scania use Seeburger as webEDI provider.

Onboarding process to WebEDI
Scania provides WebEDI on Seeburger Portal

Guidelines, FAQ and instruction videos to the WebEDI portal on Seeburger 
Guidelines to the WebEDI portal on Seeburger
Frequently Asked Questions – WebEDI portal on Seeburger Cloud

Document of frequently asked questions can be found here:

Instruction Video WebEDI portal on Seeburger

Contact Details for Supplier Portal (WebEDI) support

WebEDI Support for Scania Suppliers is handled by Seeburger Supplier Portal via email: