Product Data Exchange

How to exchange product data (CAD and other product related information) is agreed on between you and your Scania contact, but it’s recommended to use ENGDAT or EPX (also referred to as WebENGDAT).

ENGDAT is an European protocol for secure product data exchange within the automotive industry.


Secure tunnel for product and tool data exchange when the supplier/partner has their own data exchange solution based on the ENGDAT protocol. All exchange are logged. When sending from Scania, automated file conversion to neutral formats can be enabled (not when sending to Scania).

How to order: Fill in the ENGDAT order form together with your Scania contact and send it to the ENGDAT administrator named in the form.

EDI details: Please visit EDI Gateway Documents.


Secure web portal for product and tool data exchange. All exchange are logged. When sending from Scania, automated file conversion to neutral formats can be enabled (not when sending to Scania).

How to order: Fill in the ENGDAT order form together with your Scania contact and send it to the ENGDAT administrator named in the form.

Standards for data exchange

  • STD4132* – Product Data Exchange
  • STD4302* – Tool Drawings (VR-) from external suppliers

*Login to retrieve standards from the Scania Standards archive.

For additional questions


ENGDAT order form 16 Apr, 2023