WebEDI at Scania – Seeburger Supplier Portal

If you are currently using webEDI at Scania, you will need change to a new webEDI platform. The current webEDI platform Viaduct will be replaced with webEDI portal at Seeburger Cloud. The transition to the new web EDI portal is taking place between February and April 2024. You either already have, or will shortly receive, information from Scania, including your go-live date. From your go-live date onward, your Viaduct account will be inactivated, and the new webEDI portal is to be used. For more information, please refer to the supplier information letter in the attachment Supplier Information Letter_Changing webEDI portal to Seeburger Cloud.

Please note that failure to complete the necessary actions on your end may result in the loss of the EDI connection to Scania.

Steps that needs to be completed to migrate from Viaduct to WebEDI Portal at Seeburger Cloud

Step-by-step guide on what you will need to do:  

1. Engage in training and instructions: Take part of the instruction and training materials, please see instruction video at the bottom of this page.

2. Gather required master data for setting up account at webEDI portal Seeburger Cloud: To set up the new account, you will need to have information available, the information required can be found in the attachment: Required Master Data Setup – WebEDI SEEBURGER.

3. Receive invitation from Seeburger Cloud Team via email to set up account & master data: Receive an invitation via email from Seeburger Cloud to create your new webEDI account. This will be sent to you via email.

4. Set up account & master data: Complete the account and master data setup by following the step-by-step guide in attachment Step-by-step_guide_Set Up account and Master Data webEDI at Seeburger Cloud. Please make sure to complete all steps in the guide before the webinar.

5. Attend Mandatory Supplier WebEDI Webinar: You will, or already have, been invited to a webinar by Scania EDI. This will offer comprehensive details and instructions regarding the transition. It also provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.  

6. Go live webEDI portal at Seeburger Cloud! Your go live date is provided to you via email from Scania EDI. From this date onward, all operational tasks will be managed in webEDI portal at Seeburger Cloud. Your Viaduct account will be inactivated. 

For any questions about the web EDI portal at Seeburger Cloud, please contact supplierportal@seeburger.de For any other questions, please contact edi@scania.com.

Instruction Videos WebEDI portal at Seeburger Cloud